Paul Little is a highly skilled and dedicated Master Plumber with a rich background of experience and personal growth. Graduating with a BA in English from Kennesaw State College in 1982, Paul embarked on a journey that would shape his career and personal philosophy. Despite feeling that traditional education had limited impact on his development, Paul cherished a pivotal moment during his studies: a professor’s insight on the importance of learning to think critically, a skill he prided himself on possessing.

Paul Little

In the year following his graduation, Paul undertook an adventurous cross-country bicycle trip. This nearly year-long journey not only tested his endurance but also deepened his appreciation for exploration and self-reliance. His adventures continued with travels around the world between 1983 and 1984, further broadening his horizons and understanding of diverse cultures and lifestyles.

Returning to the United States, Paul began his professional journey in the plumbing industry. Starting in 1984 at Sundance Plumbing in Marietta, he honed his craft through an apprenticeship, dedicating four years to learning the intricacies of plumbing in new construction while preparing for his Master Plumber exam. Achieving his license in 1987, Paul demonstrated not only his commitment to his craft but also his remarkable aptitude, finding the examination process more challenging than his entire college education.

Paul’s personal life flourished alongside his professional one. In 1986, he married Dianne Thigpen, a serendipitous meeting that traced back to his cross-country cycling adventure, illustrating how interconnected his life’s journey has been.

Professionally, Paul ventured into entrepreneurship with Paragon Contractors Inc. from 1987 to 1991, an experience that, while challenging, paved the way for future endeavors. He continued to expand his expertise and skills through various positions in the plumbing sector, including notable stints at Stasco Mechanical and Willis Plumbing, where he focused on repair work, remodeling, and warranty repairs.

Driven by a desire for independence and a vision for a customer-focused business, Paul founded Plumb Smart Inc. in 2002. With a commitment to providing plumbing services that he would want for his own home, Paul has built a company that stands for quality, integrity, and smart solutions to plumbing needs. Under his leadership, Plumb Smart Inc. has become synonymous with trustworthiness and excellence, reflecting Paul Little’s lifelong journey of learning, growth, and dedication to his craft.

Contact Paul

Contact Paul with any questions, or to simply schedule his plumbing services.